Fixing a Warped Hull
A recent question posed to me via email brought this topic up as something that would be worth talking about. I'll do so below, and I'll...

How to Build Your Own Hull - the Lost Foam Method
There are a lot of kits out there, and more are cropping up every day. Having said that, the odds that a kit of the exact boat you're...

Setting Up Your Own Drydocks - Tools of the Trade
I've said it before, and you'll hear me say it again... building RC submarines is hard. Fortunately, you can make it slightly easier on...

All About the RCSubGuy
As I sit here at 4am with a cup of coffee, checking my emails and planning out the day, I realize just how anonymous the internet is....

Choosing Your Watertight Cylinder
You've got the model, but now you need to power it! But where to start? There are a lot of choices out there... different manufacturers,...

How to Choose Your Submarine Kit
So... you've decided the world of RC submarines is the one for you, did you? And why not... it's unique, the boats are exciting to look...

RC Submarine Electronic Modules Explained
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it... RC subs are hard. One aspect that can be daunting is the myriad of various electronic...

Join Me For a LIVE Q&A Session Every Month!
I get emails. A lot of emails. They come from people around the world with varying levels of experience and expertise in the hobby, but...

Fittings Kits - Rigged for Silent Running
Our line of fittings kits were designed to help the beginning modeler with the conversion of many readily available and cost-effective...

Customer Expections - A Quasi-rant
I do the best job I can. I have a full-time job that keeps me busy not only at home, but on the road for a week at a time at least once...